¡Buenas noches mis bichines! Parece que últimamente las extensiones capilares están a la orden del día, y como éste es un blog de moda, yo soy fiel servidora de las tendencias. Es por esto que, como mínimo, tengo la obligación moral de recomendar diferentes páginas webs de este estilo, centradas en extensiones de pelo, en lo que está a la moda. En esta ocasión vengo a hablar de HairBro, una tienda online del mismo estilo de las anteriores que han aparecido por el blog, pero quizás con una gama mucho más amplia de productos y, además, con fotografías más reales que dejan ver el resultado de una forma mucho más certera. Si bien es cierto que el precio es algo más elevado, yo considero que habría que valorar que la calidad de sus productos tiene un magnífico equilibrio con el coste y que, a juzgar por el diseño y la apariencia de la web, tienen un aire más profesional y serio que otras que he podido observar. En esta tienda se especializan no sólo en extensiones capilares para mujeres, sino también para hombres, teniendo incluso una galería de fotos donde puedes ver la transformación que han sufrido diferentes consumidores tras utilizar sus productos. Además tiene un menú muy intuitivo y un apartado llamado "Cómo hacer el pedido" en el que te especifica claramente todos los pasos a seguir para que el producto escogido sea el adecuado para ti. Yo, por mi parte, he hecho una selección de fotos para que puedan ver el tipo de productos que ofrecen y los resultados que dan pero, como siempre digo, no dejen de visitar su página web para valorar por ustedes mismos todos estos factores anteriormente nombrados. Espero que les guste. Mil gracias por los comentarios. Un besazo enorme.
¡Feliz Martes!
Good night my little bugs! It seems lately the hair extensions are the order of the day, and as this is a fashion blog, I am faithful servant of the trends. That is why I have the moral obligation, at least, to recommend different websites of this kind, focusing on hair extensions, what is fashionable. This time I come to speak of HairBro, an online store of the same style of the previous ones that have appeared on the blog, but perhaps with a much wider product range and also more real photographs which show the result of a much more accurate. While the price is somewhat higher, I think it would have to rate the quality of their products has a great balance with the cost and that, judging by the design and appearance of the web they have an air more professional and serious than others I have seen. This store is not only specialize in hair extensions for women but also for men, even taking a photo gallery where you can see the transformation that different consumers have suffered after using their products. It also has a very intuitive a section called "How to Order" in which has an intuituve menu and is clearly specify all the steps so that you chosen product is suitable for you. I, for my part, made a selection of photos so you can see the kind of products they offer and the results they give, but as I always say, stop and visit their website to assess for yourself all these factors previously mentioned. I hope you like it. Thanks for the comments. A great big kiss.
Good night my little bugs! It seems lately the hair extensions are the order of the day, and as this is a fashion blog, I am faithful servant of the trends. That is why I have the moral obligation, at least, to recommend different websites of this kind, focusing on hair extensions, what is fashionable. This time I come to speak of HairBro, an online store of the same style of the previous ones that have appeared on the blog, but perhaps with a much wider product range and also more real photographs which show the result of a much more accurate. While the price is somewhat higher, I think it would have to rate the quality of their products has a great balance with the cost and that, judging by the design and appearance of the web they have an air more professional and serious than others I have seen. This store is not only specialize in hair extensions for women but also for men, even taking a photo gallery where you can see the transformation that different consumers have suffered after using their products. It also has a very intuitive a section called "How to Order" in which has an intuituve menu and is clearly specify all the steps so that you chosen product is suitable for you. I, for my part, made a selection of photos so you can see the kind of products they offer and the results they give, but as I always say, stop and visit their website to assess for yourself all these factors previously mentioned. I hope you like it. Thanks for the comments. A great big kiss.
La verdad es que las extensiones de las fotos no se notan nada, pero tambien me da la sensación de que son pelucas... Yo recomiendo enteramente naturalextensions :D